Thursday, June 01, 2006

The weird things in life

Alright alright..... I've been getting complaints from some of you guys for writing in Estonian so I'm fixing this problem just for YOU!!!! Ahhhh things I do for my friends right? sheesh! gosh!!

Ok..... so now back to the title....

As you know I've been struggling with my visa issues and been having those depressing thoughts like ''man... what if I NEVER EVER go to the states anymore'' etc... And I've been a real punk not trusting God and not having any faith in the Lord above. Last night changed it all....

Tito and I decided to have a biblestudy at our lovely apartment for the kids (well okay... YOUNG PEOPLE) that have been coming to our church so faithfully. They're such cool people and I've been able to start building a relationship with them.

Just last Sunday we had another kid come to our service... She cought my eye right away cause she seemed to be really quiet and scared or depressed. She sat through the service not saying a word or not really even moving. We found out soon enough that she was having hearing problems so she could only read lips... Unfortunately I wasn't able to talk to her cause they left right away but somehow she stayed in my thoughts. She ended up coming to the *hopesociety* the same night and still remembering some letters and some sentences in sign language I went up to talk to her. I got her name and where she lived and asked her to keep coming to church.

So she came to our house yesterday for the biblestudy and we were talking a little about the movie and the popcorn and then out of the blue she started crying and told me that her dad had been beating her last night and she showed me her bruises. So I took her to the next room and she began to tell me more about herself... She told me some horrible stuff like her dad throwing chairs at her and beating her in the face (her lip still had a little bit of blood on it) and her dad beating her for not telling him what she and her mother had talked about... She said that one of those times her mom had given her 100 kroons and she escaped to Tartu... got drunk and somebody raped her and the police took her to the hospital. She's been escaping from home a lot and spending the nights in busses or just in town somewhere. She cried so much while telling me all this and so I asked if I could pray for her and as I did she started shaking and crying and she told me that she was in pain.... and finally.... she just passed out. Literally fainted!!!!!! ON MY FLOOR!!!! We put her on the bed and I waited for her to ''come back'' and then we talked some more.... My heart really went out to her and I felt her pain.

I'm not telling you this story so you can feel sorry for her when you see her... I'm only trying to show that these things still happen to a lot of people around us and we might not even know about it. So if you could do me a favour.... please pray for her and her family that God would bring change into her life and help her! She worst and saddest thing is that she is only FOURTEEN!!!!!!!! And if you do happen to see her... try to smile and be friendly to her cause she is SO fragile and hurt and broken and she needs good friends and love in her life. I'm trying to help her as much and I can and I believe God brought her to us for many reasons... first: so that she would have someone to talk to. second: that we would be able to help her... as much as we can. and third: for me... to see that I've been SO selfish in my life especially lately wishing for a better life in the states or just a way out of here.... now I can see why a lot of the things are happening in my life right now and God is really changing and building my inside character. I thank Him for changes and especially for His everlasting grace and love and mercy and forgiveness for me... for us all!!!!!

.....just something different for you to think about......

(sorry for the possible typos... didn't have time to check it!)



wow ... what an amazing story and a reminder again ... thanks for sharing ... will be praying for both of you ... for her situation as well as wisdom for you as you deal with her ... but good news is God is great and He knows all ...

hugs and blessings

han said...

oeh jah..tead see on imeline kuidas Isa lihtsalt saadab selliseid inimesi meie ellu...ja tehes sellega 2kordset head..kasvatades meid endid ja aidates seda teist inimest ..mul endalgi on sedasi olnud..nii tore..
jah see tydruk vajab palveid..sest ta vajab Jumalat!!!!..ÜLE KÕIGE..sellises kodu-olukorras..ja vajab tuge..aga sa tead seda ja ma tean seda ja tõesti...palvetada, palvetada, palvetada..

ja ole tugev kallis..ja kui sa vajad nõu või abi v tuge või rääkida..helista mulle..sest ma olen õppinud selliseid asju ja sellistest inimestest ülikoolis ja tööl ja igapäevaelus..olen enda nahal tunda saanud,,ja Jumal on andnud tarkust sellistes olukordades käitumiseks..nii et kui sa vaja´d abi või tuge või mis igaes...anna teada.. raskestes olukordades on mitmekesi alati kergem ja sa oled ikkagist meie "jamiks" ju :)

kallisid ja õnnistusi!!!

hanna-k. said...

That´s very extreme... kõige kurvem on see, et see tydruk on yks paljudest. And I think you´re right - we are way too selfish.. aga kindlasti palvetan ta eest.. it´s amazing how God can use you to change such a broken life. Ole julge !!

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.