Saturday, September 16, 2006

Solid Hull

I would like to dedicate the title to ESTER.. I'm sure she'll know why! Well if not... we were watching "undercover brother" a few years back (I guess) and that's where it came from! Pretty SOLID hull I tell you!!

I'm pretty bored right now and that's why I decided to write. We were supposed to be hosting some girls from the States who were supposed to come to help and stuff... but they never showed up so I guess that's out the window! :p

After finished watching Newlyweds on some finnish channel I realized again how weird and selfish Jessica Simpson can be. I mean she's pretty and nice and all... but seriously!!! Sometimes her acts speak for themselves. Ahh what do I know, they got divorced anyway so who cares.

I had a weird dream of Annely again... but I'm not gonna talk about it! hahaha!!

As you can pretty much tell I'm so bored out of my mind right now that I'm just throwing out things to write about for a simple reason - my head is empty as bucket.

I really don't get the weather anymore, it's freezing at night and in the mornings and then it changes like that *snapping fingers* and it's like 50 degrees... well not really but you get my point I'm sure! I actually kinda wish it was winter again cause it brings back so many good memories... more than the summers do unfortunately. Ohhh wellll.....

My fish are weird!! They are always I guess trying to jump out of the aquarium. And when it's feeding time they are ready to jump and get the food before it even hits the water and make sure they can eat all of it before somebody else does. If they could, they would eat all of the food at once but oh boohoo they can't. Ohh and did I mention they poop... and it looks weird!! :(

It's getting hot in this room cause the sun is shining right in so I gotta go sit in the... sauna?



tralallalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... teelee teeleeeee teeleeeeeeeee ... eheheeeeeeeeee ... :P ...

ok ... be cool ... luv u girl ...


Anonymous said...

hahahahahhaaa...SOLID HULL! Yessss! Thanks for that Teele. Täiega süda läks soojaks. heheeee...good times good times....good lines! :p

Bearcat said...


Anonymous said...

Ai ma panin interaktiivse blogi. go check

Ancelyna said...