Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Nothing can be FATHER from the truth

On the 22nd of September I remembered my father's death 2 years ago. It's actually been 2 years!!!!! I realised it at night at about 2 am when I suddenly began thinking of him and tears filled my eyes. I got up and couldn't sleep any longer. I remembered everything about that day and night. Pretty sad stuff I tell you!!!!! When I finally went back to sleep and the new day was quick to come I felt a lot better but was still thinking of him, but more happier thoughts. To make a long story short.... I'm proud of my father and I miss him badly!! I wish he would be here to see Tito and my kids and just my life and that I'm doing okay and I actually turned out pretty good and not like he said haha. I feel like now that I'm older I could maybe understand him more and he would understand and read me. I really wish he was still around so I could at least talk to him or say things I never could. Anyway... I hope he is okay where ever he is and I really hope to see him again someday! I LOVE YOU DAD!!!

1 comment:

monika said...

aww kalli kalli sulle teeleke