Sunday, October 29, 2006

First snow

Hello my dear friends. I apologize for not writing anything forever but I've just been wandering away from this place... and well didn't really have anything to write about!

Like the title says we got our first snow TODAY!! Yay, it was so cool!! It of course melted right away but still looked cool.

If you're wondering how I'm doing and how the BABY is doing then let me tell you cause it's kinda wearing me out to be honest to tell everyone in person and answer the same ol' questions.

Well since it's my first pregnancy everything is new to me and it's cool and interesting and exciting but also getting old after a while. For example.. the first weeks were exciting because I had no idea what was going to happen to me and if I was going to get sick a lot and tired and if I would want to eat weird things or not. But as time went by and I had my first sicknesses for about 2 weeks I thought that was it and the worst had passed me.. but NOOOO... of course not!

*As of right now I feel more sick than ever and every single smell makes me want to puke, I can't eat anything cause I just don't want to but if I don't eat I also feel like I'm going to throw up. So it's not a win-win situation AT ALL!!

*The baby is fine, I had my 3rd ultrasound last week and got some pics as well. He or she is much bigger now and it was really cool to see his or her little toes!! Very cute!!

*No I do NOT know if it's a boy or a girl... a little too early for that.

*No my tummy isn't as big as a balloon yet.. it will get there.

*No I don't feel the baby kicking yet.

*I'm 15 weeks right now.. you figure out the months (one month is 4,44 weeks)

*I have no idea what the baby is doing in my tummy... unfortunately I don't have a window to my belly so I could see inside myself.

*No I have no desire to eat weird things cause well.. I don't really wanna eat anything and everything makes me sick.

*Yes, I'm very frustrated with my nausia situation right now. It's absolutely disgusting and I just want it to end.

*I have no idea when you will see me.. perhaps when I'm feeling better.

So that's all I could think of right now cause I'm tired and this one tomato in the kitchen has my name on it and it's calling me.

So.. bye


monika said...

hehe küls see kõhuke ka ikka tuleb seal:):):):) yeyyyyyy beeboid mu õel on jäänud 1,5 kuud veel :P:P:P wohoooooooo ja UUS BLOG TULEB SOON:):) :):):)


Anonymous said...

oi kallike. ma justkui tunneks sulle füüsiliselt kaasa. Mul ei ole ka üldse söögiisu ja paha on tihti. olen ju siuke kaastundlik hing ;) Aga ma arvan et ma lihtsalt olen veel haige ka see pigem põhjus aga võõõib ju mõelda et ma olen lihtsalt nii tore et elan kaasa. Loodan et isu tekib ruttu ja süda pahadus kaob ka ruttu.

Bearcat said...

awwww essu!!!!! tänks!!! mina samuti olen kaastundlik hing ja seega elan ka SULLE kaasa!!! Muide mul on ka nohu ja siis kui ma nuuskan tulen ninast verd ja mingi palavik tuli ka külla!! nii kift onju NOT!

Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww musirullike ... nii armas ... kuigi sulle endale kindalsti käib närvidele ... suur kalla sulle .... :)

Hanna said...

Teeeleee? It is miiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D
Appi kuidas tahax sind naha! Oleks vist natu jututeemat vai mis? Maletan ,kuda kofikus veel minu rasedusest lobisesime...
AAh mis ma siin ikka seletan, hakkan parem korraliku emaili sulle kribama, olen lasknud sul juba liiiiga kaua oodata :P
suuuured kallid meie poolt!

hanna-k. said...

nagu juba palju oeldud on - awwww !!
Tead kui hea meel mul on !! Ei, mitte selleparast, et su tervis imelik on.. nii armas on lugeda sinu pisikesest (suurest) imest!!
Ma tahan juba tagasi tulla ja su kohtu paitada !!
Heh... tead mul tuli just meelde et mingi aeg tagasi sa ytlesid mulle et sa oled rase.. ja ma mingi eee... hahahaha teele. Khm. Ma naersin siis ka kui vekki ytles mulle et vahur kutsus annely esimest korda valja. emm... hmm... ma usun koike seda, mis mulle oeldakse ainult siis kui see ei ole tosi :D. Kui jutus satub olema tott, siis mina loomulikult hakkan naerma ja ytlen jaaajaa..
igatahes kallid kallid ja veelkord kallid !!

Bearcat said...

hihihihiiii :D

white girl said...

whyyyyyyyyyyyyy are you not updating your bloooooooooooooog?

Bearcat said...

haha I was waiting for you to get angry :D