Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Pathetic and proud of it

Helloo once again my dear ones!! I'm sorry for not updating my blog forever again but honestly I've just been lazy and well had nothing to write about really. Hehee..

Anyways, I wouldn't say I'm addicted to TV, well maybe just a little bit but for sure I'm addicted to CSI !!! I think as of right now it's the best show EVER. I've been collecting the Friends seasons and I'm only missing 3, which means I have 7 out of 10. Not bad huh? But the next things I'll be collecting are CSI seasons for sure!! And then Desperate Housewives (since I already have the first season).. ((yeah... I know.... get a life right??)) .Well actually I do have a life.. and to tell you the truth I have 3 lives. If you know what I'm sayin'.. :)

Out of Cathrine Willows, Warrick Brown, Nick Stokes, Gil Grissom and Sara (something) my favorite is by far Nick Stokes. Not because I like his looks but I like his name!! It feels good to say it.. so go on.. say it.. NICK STOKES!!! haha feels pretty good huh?

Jeez... to tell you the truth I like all of them from the CSI Las Vegas team, but the only one I like from CSI Miami is this guy right here...cause... he's cuban.. and.. well.. hehe...

Get the point?

So now you know how sad and pathetic I am in my little CSI fantacy world. But don't make fun of me.. as if you don't have little hidden secrets yourself!! :)

1 comment:

Ancelyna said...

Ma tean ühte N tähega sõna, mida ma selle alumise pildi kohta ütleksin. Ma arvan, et sa arvad, et ma arvan, et sa arvad selle ära. Arvadki!