Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Just a quick note...

Doesn't the bottom picture remind you of anybody??? You know.. he's brown... has a beard... black hair... and a hair-DOOOO. :) You must be blind if you don't see the resemblance :)


white girl said...

Do you mean Miguel Zayas?


monika said...

hehehe mina siins astusin läbi et vaadata kuidas kulgeb lahe blog sul mulle ka meeldib csi:P:P:P:P

gooooooo csi:)

Ancelyna said...

Hahaha.. yeah I left you a comment about that picture in the last post. Khm.

I think he reminds me of... hmm.. yeah, Miguel Zayas was a good one! I'll have to agree with Dawn on this one!