Friday, October 13, 2006

Free carwash vs free floorwash?

Yes indeed.... a free carwash vs a free floorwash. Which one would you pick? I mean if you had to choose between washing your car or washing your floor?? You know which one I would pick? Neither. And why? Well I'm glad you asked, let me tell you why!

You know how it rains a lot in Estonia and if you happen to be driving or you just have your car parked outside while it's pouring it's like a free carwash? Yeah... I think it is!! Not that it's actually helping or cleaning your car but just the thought of it is pretty cool! So you see that's why I wouldn't wash my car myself cause I'll just leave it outside and it'll take care of itself!

Now let me tell you about why I wouldn't wash my floor either. Well.. tonight while taking a shower and coming out of the ''closet'' (teehee) I noticed that I had very badly flooded the floor. Well of couse IIIIIII didn't do it but for some reason the water wasn't going down the drain thingie and I hadn't noticed it and there it was, all over the bathroom floor. Can't say I was very happy. So Tito, my faithful helpmate (hehe I like that word now... and it actually reached it's full meaning level to me tonight) quickly asking no questions started to get the wather off of the floor cause you know if you leave it there for a longer time the downstairs bathroom.. or any other room will probably flood too and that's not good. So while I was running around with no sense in my mind what so ever panicing and water still dripping from my hair (oh I HATE that feeling) I got some towels and we began the serious floor drying business. And of course you know when this kind of stuff happens to you then there is usually a lot more to that then you see at first. Well I got some clothes and stuff from Finland today and I had taken some of them to the bathroom to try them on and then of course LEFT THEM ON THE FLOOR!!!!! And yes... they were totally soaked, my new clothes... TOTALLY soaked!! mmmmmm... intamate!!!

Well I thank Tito for helping me clean up that mess cause he did most of the cleaning and everything is fine now. And well instead of sleeping cause I need to get up in a few hours to go to work I'm up writing this darn thing.

I guess my bathroom floor was a bit messy and dirty and God wanted me to wash it so He kinda helped it along... what a weird sense of humor!!??

I shall leave you with this..

I do not like flooded floors.
I do not like them near the doors,
I do not like them in the stores,
I do not like it when it pours,
I do not like flooded floors.
Teele, I am.

..and of course I do not like green eggs and ham!


Ancelyna said...

the poem? riiiight. Alright. Right.

Soo.. happy days to you! Did you check your shower? Maybe there's something broken and it will flood every time you take a shower? Not when Tito takes a shower. Only when you take a shower.

And did you know if you'd win a free carwash at Jazz käsipesula, they would also wash your car floor.

I like water everywhere. Doesn't give me the kriips ät ool. Nope.

Bearcat said...

jah tito kontrollis seda... ei tea mis tal viga on!!!

ja mis luuletusel viga oli??????

Ancelyna said...

luuletus oli väga tore! Pani mind mõtlema. Ma olin rohkem üllatunud, et sa luuletusega lõpetasid. Ja samas meenutas ka seda I love technology laulu :D Ainult et pahempidi :D

Bearcat said...


Bearcat said...


monika said...

oo lahe seiklus sul siin ma vaatan heheheheheheheheheeheh mis teha mis teha aga kena luuletus oli sul:):) ja loodan et enam sul seda ei juhtu :):)

ok kalli kalli sulle

Anonymous said...

eheheeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... :d ... nu nu ... peris lahe ... ja armas TITOst ... :)


Anonymous said...

rahvas nõuab uudiseid!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mille järgi see luuletuse riim sul läheb seal. Nii tuttav on see i do no like them etc etc.

Bearcat said...

hehe see on see ''GREEN EGGS AND HAM'' lugu... see laste raamat. Ja noh siis ma veidi muutsin seda :P