Thursday, November 23, 2006


I don't know what the deal is with my nails.. and them coming off.. well.. remember my horrible thumb nail accident?? Yes well lately I've been seeing some weird changes with my little baby toe nail. At first I thought it was just my new shoes that were making my nail look weird or something.. but guess what... after poking at it a little bit today it decided it was time to come off.. :( Oh the great sadness that filled my heart and captured my emotions... such a sad day for a little baby toe nail to come off... RIP my friend, RIP!!! Aaaaand it was raining!! I mean come on.. must be a sign right? So today was just not a good day for my toe nail. One thing I'm thankful for is that it didn't hurt at all! Yay... lucky me! NOT!


monika said...

aw wkül on kurb kuulda:(:(:( aga nüüd on ta parema skohas:):):) ni et pea püsti hug hug

muahhhhhhh u are the best


ahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .. sorry .. i will promise to behave ... eheheeeeeeee ... ups ...

aga mul vist sugisvasimus peal ... kogu aeg on uni ... nu ja selline armas asi nagu nohu ... ei tule nagu suur nohu ega lähe ara ka ... selline vahepealne vark .. niiiiiiiiiiii nome ...

Ancelyna said...

Remember this Golden Oldie?

"I have a magic toenail,
I keep it on my foot.
It's always there to rescue me
when something goes kaputt.

It has the cutest cuticle,
free of ALL disease!
As toenails go it's really quite

Thank You, Thank You,
Thank You Magic Toenail!

I love my Magic Toenail, it's magical and good.
Sometimes I'll take my Magic Toenail to lunch and give it a sandwich, because it likes to eat the sandwiches.

Thank you, Thank You,
Thank You Magic Toenail!

I love you Magic Toenail!"


I guess Yours is just getting some maintenance done because of the new Baby and all - You'll have an ever Toenail!

monika said...

ma olen homme tööl ehk siis emsaspäeval:):):) ja teisipäeval ka:):)::))

hanna-k. said...

tere rase naine !!

kuidas sul laheb ? !

kalliiiid... ja sydamlikud kaastunded vaikse varba puhul..